Voices in Wartime is an anthology comprising poetry, essays, and narratives based on interviews conducted for the film Voices in Wartime. Its 240 pages contain not the words of politicians or pundits but rather, active-duty soldiers, veterans, torture victims, war correspondents, the families of the disappeared and the dead, poets, peace activists–compelling responses of “unique, individual human beings” to the experience of war.
Always heartfelt, and often heart-breaking, Voices in Wartime adds up to a sum greater than its parts, for only by walking in the shoes of those who wage war and those who suffer it can the rest of us begin to understand the common humanity that binds us all together.
If history and literature have taught us anything, it is that in the midst of trauma, violence and death, it is the poets who help us make sense of the senseless. In a world turned suddenly upside down, Voices in Wartime can help to bring us together and lead us to a better place.